Sharing Stories. Changing Lives.

Candace Carnahan, Safety Innovator and Motivational Speaker
May 24, 2024 0

Candace Carnahan believes in a simple truth: safety isn’t just a task; it’s a mindset, a way of living. Whether she’s clad in steel-toed boots…

Pioneering Preventive Healthcare

Jenna Anderson, CEO of Kihealth Inc.
April 26, 2024 0

In the wake of her mother’s diagnosis with a rare form of Alzheimer’s disease, Jenna Anderson and her brother embarked on a relentless journey. Seeking…

Charting the Road Less Traveled

Arelis Bonilla, Founder & CEO of Aria Logistics & My Home Delivery App
January 29, 2024 0

In the world of business, Arelis Bonilla’s story isn’t just a narrative—it’s a testament to grit, passion, and the audacity to dream big. Buckle up…

Turning Strategy into Everyone’s Everyday Business

Jeroen Kraaijenbrink, Strategy and Leadership Consultant and Co-founder of Strategy. Inc
November 28, 2023 0

Jeroen Kraaijenbrink is an accomplished strategy educator, mentor, author, and consultant with over two decades of academic and industry experience. He empowers people and organizations…