Kipp Sorensen, Chief People Officer of JourneyTEAM

Fresh out of college, Kipp Sorensen was fortunate to have leaders who saw potential in him that he hadn’t fully recognized. Starting as a software engineer, he quickly moved into leading development teams, which paved the way for a career in consulting. “I was lucky to have people take a chance on me,” Sorensen recalls. This support enabled him to guide clients and eventually take the bold step to work independently, consulting across the globe.

His path took a significant turn when he merged his consulting firm with JourneyTEAM, where he continued to expand his influence. Over the years, Sorensen realized the key to success lies in the engagement of the people you lead. “I’ve seen firsthand how transformative a fully engaged team can be,” he says. This realization pushed him to focus on creating that level of commitment within his own teams and eventually coaching other leaders to do the same.

A defining moment in Sorensen’s growth was joining a global mastermind group focused on personal and professional development. “It wasn’t about revenue or personal gain,” Sorensen explains, “it was about helping people show up powerfully in their lives.” This experience solidified his belief that when leaders genuinely serve and uplift those around them, success naturally follows. It’s a philosophy he carries into every leadership opportunity.

Empowerment Through Leadership

Sorensen’s leadership philosophy is grounded in a simple but powerful idea: believing in the potential of each individual. For him, leadership isn’t about commanding, rescuing, or controlling. It’s about guiding, supporting, and creating opportunities for people to grow into their roles. “True leadership is about inspiring people to take ownership of their performance,” Sorensen says. His approach is centered on one key principle—empowerment. He believes that empowering others, rather than manipulating them, fosters a culture of responsibility and initiative.

At the heart of Sorensen’s leadership style are two guiding principles: taking ownership and adopting a caring mindset. “If we lead without genuine care for our people, they become mere objects or obstacles, and they will sense that,” he explains. This belief is deeply embedded in JourneyTEAM’s culture, where leaders are encouraged to model these values with intention and strength. By focusing on care and support, Sorensen ensures that his team remains engaged and motivated, helping them reach their full potential.

As the Chief People Officer of JourneyTEAM, a technology consulting firm, Sorensen understands that success hinges on adaptability and foresight. JourneyTEAM works with hundreds of clients each year, helping them navigate diverse industries, technologies, and business challenges. This dynamic environment is a key reason why JourneyTEAM was honored as Microsoft Global Partner of the Year for Dynamics Business Central—a prestigious recognition awarded to just one firm worldwide. “Consulting allows us to create a lasting, positive impact on so many lives,” Sorensen says. To ensure their work makes a meaningful difference, JourneyTEAM tracks the impact of each project, making sure that the technology implemented drives the intended results and justifies the project’s purpose from the start.

Culture Over Technology

For Sorensen, technology is a powerful tool, but it’s only as effective as the foundation it’s built on. “Technology amplifies what already exists,” Sorensen explains, which is why he prioritizes a strong company culture over any tech solution. At JourneyTEAM, the focus is on people first, ensuring that culture drives the company’s success—not technology. Many companies, Sorensen believes, lose sight of this balance, becoming too focused on processes and systems while forgetting the human element. “We don’t rely on technology to shape our culture,” he says. “Culture leads, not tech.”

Sorensen also rejects the common notion that well-being and performance are at odds. In his experience, most employee dissatisfaction doesn’t come from the work itself, but from how the work is managed. “People want to make a meaningful impact,” he says, but it’s often poor leadership that creates frustration or a sense of being micromanaged. It’s not about the workload; it’s about the environment. “No one comes home complaining about being productive and making a difference,” Sorensen adds. It’s usually the opposite—they feel stifled.

At JourneyTEAM, where the business landscape and technology are in constant flux, supporting employee growth is key. Sorensen has helped implement a learning and development strategy based on the 70-20-10 model, which emphasizes learning through experience. Seventy percent of learning comes from on-the-job experiences, 20% from coaching and mentoring, and 10% from formal education. “This model fits perfectly with our environment,” Sorensen notes, where employees face new challenges and opportunities every day.

He also recognizes that learning is not always smooth. “Growth involves errors, failures, and frustration,” Sorensen says. But it’s these moments of discomfort that push the brain into neuroplasticity—allowing it to adapt and grow. Through real-world problem-solving, peer coaching, and ongoing collaboration, JourneyTEAM’s consultants continuously develop both personally and professionally. This holistic approach not only helps the team grow but also ensures they deliver the best outcomes for clients, driving the overall success of the company.

Leading Through Influence

One of Sorensen’s biggest challenges as Chief People Officer at JourneyTEAM has been leading without formal authority. While he holds a prominent position within the C-Suite, not all leaders report directly to him. This creates a unique dynamic where his initiatives could easily be seen as “busy work” unless he’s intentional. The question Sorensen had to ask himself was, “How do you inspire action when you don’t have direct authority?” The answer, he discovered, is that you don’t force it.

“True leadership is about inspiring people to reach their own conclusions on how best to serve their teams and the organization,” Sorensen explains. He believes that leadership based on influence, not authority, is far more effective. By focusing on empowering others and fostering a sense of ownership, he’s been able to guide leaders across the company to create meaningful impact. It’s a style of leadership built on trust, not control.

Over the years, JourneyTEAM has earned prestigious recognitions, including being named a Microsoft Partner of the Year and joining the Microsoft Inner Circle. Yet, Sorensen is quick to point out that these accolades are not his alone to claim. “I’d love to take credit for those achievements,” he admits, “but the truth is, it’s our consultants who deserve it. They’re the best at what they do.”

For Sorensen, his role is to ensure the right people are in the right roles and then give them the space and support to thrive. The recognition JourneyTEAM has received is a testament to the talent and dedication of its team, and as Sorensen proudly shares, “We were recently named Microsoft Global Partner of the Year for Dynamics Business Central.” That success, he emphasizes, is a reflection of the team’s ability to consistently deliver excellence for their clients.

Fostering a Culture of Empowerment

Looking to the future, Kipp Sorensen’s primary goal for JourneyTEAM’s corporate culture is to continue eliminating distractions and unnecessary noise that often come from leadership. His vision is clear: focus on empowering people by stepping back and allowing them the space to fully share their expertise and creativity. “We need to focus on empowering our people,” Sorensen emphasizes, “by stepping back and allowing them to fully share their expertise and creativity.”

Another priority for Sorensen is refining JourneyTEAM’s recruitment strategy. He wants to ensure the company attracts individuals who are not only self-directed but also possess the winning mindsets necessary to thrive in a high-performing organization. “Luckily, I have one of the best recruiters on my team driving this initiative forward,” he adds, underscoring his confidence in the team. By prioritizing autonomy and maintaining high standards during recruitment, Sorensen believes JourneyTEAM can cultivate a culture where employees feel empowered to innovate, excel, and drive success for both themselves and the company.

When it comes to leadership in the tech industry, Sorensen believes the most critical skill over the next five years will be recognizing the true impact leaders have on their organizations. “How we show up as leaders is the single most important driver of our organizational culture,” he explains. There’s no room for complacency in leadership; leaders need to create environments where their teams can thrive. One of Sorensen’s current focuses is helping leaders move beyond tactical victories and focus on the strategic win of ensuring their people are succeeding. This approach not only drives scalable growth but also reinforces how JourneyTEAM serves its clients and supports its employees.

Ultimately, Sorensen believes leadership comes at a price. Leaders must be willing to pay that price by prioritizing others over themselves. “Despite all the strategies, knowledge, and shortcuts, effective leadership ultimately hinges on our courage and willingness to prioritize others,” he says. It’s this selfless commitment that Sorensen believes will position JourneyTEAM to excel as the tech landscape continues to evolve.

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