Laura West, Founder of Agencywise and Agency Founder Advisor

With over 20 years of experience in agency leadership in the marketing industry, Laura is focused on helping agency founders grow and scale their businesses. With a coveted network and a black book of agency specialists and founders, Laura has her finger on the pulse. As founder and advisor at, her mission is to connect the right agency people for collaborative success. In 2024 Laura will launch the Agencywise membership platform that is designed to give agency leaders all the help and support they need in their pursuit of growth.


The work landscape is undergoing a transformative shift, accelerated by the disruptive forces of the COVID-19 pandemic. The once-ubiquitous 9-5 office routine has rapidly given way to a remote work model, prompting businesses to re-evaluate their optimal working structures. As the corporate world grapples with the question of what the future of work entails, agencies are exploring various models, each with its own set of advantages and challenges.

Navigating Workplace Models: A Balancing Act
  • Hybrid with Flexibility

One prevailing approach is the Hybrid with Flexibility model, which grants employees the autonomy to choose their work environment. While seemingly a logical compromise, this model introduces challenges in team alignment, collaboration, and the ongoing costs of maintaining physical office spaces, which may not be fully utilised.

  • Hybrid with Set Days

Alternatively, the Hybrid with Set Days model designates specific office days for all team members. Despite aiming for balance, this model presents difficulties for those with family or health commitments and raises questions about the necessity of maintaining underutilised physical office spaces.

  • Fully Remote

The Fully Remote model, advocating for work from anywhere, provides unmatched flexibility. However, it is not without its drawbacks, as evidenced by reports of feelings of isolation, communication challenges, and the difficulty of onboarding new staff.

  • Back to the Office

Surprisingly, a significant number of leaders worldwide are advocating for a complete return to office by 2026. This approach, while seeking to restore pre-pandemic norms, may clash with the workforce’s desire for flexibility, risking talent loss and impeding diversity.

Current Trends: Embracing Hybrid Working

In the current landscape, “hybrid working” emerges as the most prevalent structure, as reflected in job listings on platforms like LinkedIn. Positioned as a compromise, this model seeks to balance flexibility with the necessity for in-person collaboration, essential for certain aspects of team dynamics and productivity.

The Evolution of Leadership: Navigating the New Age of Your Workforce

In the era of hybrid and remote work, leadership is no longer a top-down, one-way street. A collaborative relationship between leaders and teams has become imperative. As teams assert their preferences for flexibility, autonomy, and work-life balance, leaders must adapt and acquire specific skills to maintain team cohesion and effectiveness.

Essential Leadership Skills for the Future

1. Emotional Intelligence and Connection:

    • Leaders must tune in to the emotional well-being of their team members, understanding the unique challenges posed by remote or hybrid setups.
    • Strategies to enhance emotional intelligence include reflection, active listening, and seeking feedback.

2. Clear and Effective Communication:

    • Mastering various communication channels is essential in a world where face-to-face interactions are limited.
    • Techniques to improve communication include clarity, conciseness, expression of expectations, and storytelling.

3. Adaptability and Flexibility:

    • Leadership in the hybrid era demands adaptability and flexibility to changes in schedules, work environments, and tools.
    • Embracing flexibility requires clear guidelines, feedback, and an individual and team approach.

4. Creative Problem-Solving:

    • Leaders must develop strong problem-solving skills to address challenges specific to each work model.
    • Cultivating a culture of innovation and embracing mentoring can encourage teams to offer creative solutions.

5. Inclusivity and Diversity Promotion:

    • In dispersed work settings, leaders must actively seek input from all team members.
    • Promoting inclusivity involves using varied communication channels and demonstrating a commitment to diversity and inclusion.

6. Empathy as a Bridge:

    • Empathy serves as a bridge between leaders and their teams in a virtual world.
    • Developing empathy involves genuine care, communication, and putting oneself in others’ shoes.
The Path to Upskilling: Leaders Leading the Way

In the pursuit of upskilling, visionary leaders should adopt a comprehensive approach, recognising the multifaceted nature of skill development in the evolving work landscape. Here’s an exploration of key strategies for leaders to lead the way in upskilling both themselves and their teams:

Networking with Peers: Building a Knowledge Ecosystem

Leaders should actively seek opportunities to engage with peers within and beyond their industry. Networking opens avenues for the exchange of diverse perspectives, insights, and innovative solutions. Collaborative discussions with like-minded professionals offer a broader understanding of industry trends, successful strategies, and potential pitfalls. By fostering a knowledge ecosystem, leaders enhance their strategic thinking and gain valuable insights that can be directly applied to navigate the challenges of hybrid and remote work.

Engaging Advisors for Strategic Guidance

Collaboration with advisors provides leaders with tailored support and strategic guidance in navigating the intricacies of hybrid and remote work models. Advisors, like myself, bring external perspectives and expertise, offering a valuable sounding board for leaders to discuss challenges, explore opportunities, and refine their leadership strategies. By establishing a collaborative relationship with advisors, leaders can leverage external insights to enhance decision-making, refine their leadership approach, and ensure alignment with industry best practices.

Investing in Leadership Training Programs: Tailored Development for Success

Recognising the dynamic demands of the contemporary work environment, leaders are encouraged to invest in targeted leadership training programs. These programs should address specific competencies required for effective leadership in hybrid and remote settings. Tailored development initiatives enhance leaders’ proficiency in areas such as emotional intelligence, virtual communication, adaptability, and inclusive leadership. The strategic allocation of resources to these programs reflects a commitment to continuous improvement and equips leaders with the skills necessary to guide their teams through the challenges of the evolving work landscape.

Participating in Leadership Retreats and Industry Events: Immersive Learning Experiences

Leadership retreats and industry-specific events offer leaders immersive learning experiences that go beyond traditional training settings. These platforms provide opportunities for hands-on workshops, interactive discussions, and exposure to cutting-edge trends. Leaders gain insights from thought leaders, share experiences with industry peers, and engage in real-world problem-solving scenarios. The immersive nature of retreats and events fosters a deeper understanding of effective leadership strategies in hybrid and remote work environments, empowering leaders to implement impactful changes within their teams.

Cultivating a Continuous Learning Culture within the Team: Nurturing a Growth Mindset

Beyond personal upskilling, leaders play a pivotal role in fostering a continuous learning culture within their teams. This involves creating an environment where curiosity is encouraged, and ongoing learning is viewed as a shared value. Leaders can implement initiatives such as regular knowledge-sharing sessions, cross-functional collaboration, and mentorship programs to promote skill development at all levels. By instilling a growth mindset within the team, leaders contribute to a collective commitment to adaptability, innovation, and sustained success in the ever-evolving work landscape.

The path to upskilling is not a one-size-fits-all journey but a multifaceted approach that involves strategic networking, collaboration with advisors, targeted training, immersive learning experiences, and the cultivation of a continuous learning culture. Leaders who proactively embrace these strategies position themselves and their teams for success in the dynamic future of work.

Leadership Evolution is Key for Work Success

The choice between hybrid, remote, or in-office models is pivotal, but leadership evolution is non-negotiable for success. The future of work is contingent on leaders’ ability to adapt, foster inclusivity, and continuously upskill in this ever-evolving work environment. As businesses navigate the complexities of the changing work landscape, effective leadership will be the linchpin for success.

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