Julien Rio, AVP International Marketing, RingCentral

Julien Rio, a Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP) and AVP of International Marketing at RingCentral, is a renowned figure in the CX world. Julien is the founder of CX Therapy, a vlog that delves into real-world customer experiences, and the author of “Customer Experience Unearthed.” Recognized for his contributions, including being named among France’s top marketing influencers, Julien’s passion for storytelling and customer engagement marks him as a respected leader in the field. As a founding member of the European Customer Experience Organization (ECXO), he continues to influence and inspire with a commitment to advancing customer experience.


The exploration phase in the customer experience journey is like the first chapter of a novel, setting the stage for the narrative that unfolds. This initial phase is where potential customers begin their interaction with a brand, often with a sense of curiosity and a lack of clear direction. It’s a critical stage where first impressions are formed and where a brand has the unique opportunity to captivate and engage its audience.

In this phase, customers are akin to travelers in an unfamiliar landscape, searching for a path that leads to their desired destination. For businesses, this represents a chance not only to guide these explorers but also to make a compelling case for why their path is the one worth following. It’s an opportunity to differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace, creating a memorable and impactful first impression.

However, the exploration phase comes with its challenges. Customers, faced with an overload of information and choices, can easily become overwhelmed. The digital era has only amplified this, increasing the complexity of how customers interact with and perceive brands.

Real-life Examples

Let me provide a very concrete real-life example to illustrate the challenges of the exploration phase. When I entered the market for a baby stroller, I was met with an unexpected and overwhelming challenge. Far from being straightforward, the process was laden with a surplus of technical details and features. For a new parent like me, without pre-existing preferences or knowledge in this realm, this was particularly daunting.

The multitude of brands bombarded me with information about safety, folding mechanisms, and fabric quality, yet none of this was contextualized for a novice in parenting. Consequently, I found myself embroiled in a tedious process, combing through blogs, visiting stores, and comparing products on various websites to decipher what mattered. The difficulty was compounded by the challenge of separating genuine advice from sponsored content.

This experience underscored a glaring oversight in the customer journey. Despite the predictable needs of new parents, brands missed a crucial opportunity to provide guidance and education. Instead, they chose to overwhelm with information, complicating the process and hindering the development of customer trust and loyalty. This scenario exemplifies the importance of a well-structured exploration phase in shaping a positive customer experience.

Another real-life story that vividly illustrates the pitfalls of the exploration phase involves my attempt to understand an insurance product. Needing help and clarity, I started with the company’s live chat, expecting efficient support. Instead, I was met with a chatbot rigidly offering only predefined options A, B, or C, leaving no room for nuanced inquiries. Unfulfilled, I then called their hotline, only to encounter a similar lack of flexibility in their IVR system. After a 15-minute wait, a human representative finally responded, but frustratingly, they could only direct me back to the website.

This experience highlighted a critical gap in customer support during the exploration phase. Effective communication and personalized assistance were notably absent, quickly diminishing my initial interest in the company. It serves as a stark reminder of the importance of accessible and adaptable customer interactions, especially when potential customers seek specific guidance and understanding of a product or service.

The two stories I’ve shared are not unique occurrences but rather common examples that you may have encountered yourself. They reflect widespread issues in the exploration phase of customer experience. However, these are just two examples among many prevalent problems. Other frequent challenges include the lack of staff expertise, both in physical stores and online, to answer advanced or nuanced customer questions, or the inefficiency of filtering mechanisms in online stores that often forces customers to sift through an excessive array of products. These issues, and many others, collectively contribute to a cumbersome and often frustrating exploration phase, underscoring the need for a more thoughtful and customer-centric approach in designing these early interactions.

The Impact

The shortcomings in the exploration phase represent a significant waste for businesses. Companies invest considerable time, effort, and budget into generating traffic to their stores or websites, but when the exploration phase falls short, these resources go to waste. Inadequate information, lack of support, and inefficient product filtering not only deter customer engagement but also lead to potential sales losses and weakened brand loyalty. Customers, overwhelmed or dissatisfied with their experience, may abandon their journey, rendering the initial investment in attracting them futile. Thus, optimizing the exploration phase is essential not only for enhancing customer experience but also for safeguarding business investments and ensuring sustainable growth.

The Solution

The initial step in tackling the exploration phase challenges is for businesses to thoroughly identify the issues within their own customer journey. This involves not just walking in the shoes of their customers to personally experience and test their own processes but also actively seeking feedback from customers. Understanding the flaws in your exploration phase is crucial to knowing what needs to be fixed.

Let’s now explore a few practical suggestions that would significantly improve customer experience in most contexts.

Tailoring Product Quizzes and Guides: Introducing quizzes to help customers articulate their preferences can effectively streamline their decision-making process. Alongside, creating guides segmented by user experience, such as a “Beginner’s Guide to Choosing a Stroller” for new parents, helps in simplifying the selection process and making it more approachable for first-time buyers.

Creating Interactive Comparison Tools and Transparent Content: Implementing interactive tools for side-by-side product comparison enables customers to make well-informed choices by clearly understanding the key differences. Providing transparent content by linking to unbiased third-party websites also builds trust and aids customers in gaining a better understanding of the products and the market.

Optimizing Customer Support: Enhancing the customer support framework with well-informed and responsive teams can make a significant difference. Real-time assistance through live chat or consultation services caters to the need for personalized guidance, improving the exploration experience for customers seeking specific information or help.

Balancing Interface Complexity and Filtering: Designing an intuitive and user-friendly online interface with efficient filtering options can make navigating through products less overwhelming for customers. Striking the right balance in the complexity of the platform ensures that it is comprehensive yet straightforward to use.

By integrating these practical suggestions into the exploration phase, businesses can offer a more seamless and engaging customer experience, fostering stronger connections and loyalty with their clientele.

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