Emma Hulbert, Senior Principal Consultant, Lily Shippen Recruitment

Emma Hulbert joined Lily Shippen in April 2018 as Candidate Manager and has since progressed to Senior Principal Consultant. As a Psychology and Forensic Psychology Masters’ graduate with a background in hospitality, she prides herself on being a people person, taking the time to get to know candidates and clients alike to find candidates their dream jobs and clients their ideal hires. Emma covers temporary, contract, and permanent recruitment and manages our Virtual Assistant offering. With six years of experience behind her, Emma has become a go-to person within the Manchester market, receiving five-star testimonials from clients and candidates.


As a Senior Principal Consultant deeply embedded in the realm of bespoke recruitment for the Executive Support industry, I had the privilege of co-presenting with our Managing Director (Lily Shippen), at the HR Summit held at the Raddison Blu Hotel, Manchester Airport, earlier this year.

Our session was dedicated to exploring the multifaceted role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in contemporary recruitment practices.

With a focus on both the present and future, we delved into the transformative potential of AI while navigating the inherent challenges and ethical considerations (something we feel very strongly about internally).

Our discussion began with a comprehensive overview of how AI is revolutionising recruitment methodologies:

Efficiency and Time Management:

AI’s capability to automate mundane tasks such as CV screening allows recruiters to channel their efforts towards strategic initiatives, enhancing overall efficiency and time management.

Enhanced Candidate Experience:

The personalised communication and real-time feedback facilitated by AI platforms serve to elevate the candidate experience, fostering deeper engagement and rapport throughout the recruitment journey.

Informed Hiring Decisions:

Through the deployment of sophisticated algorithms, AI empowers recruiters to make more informed hiring decisions by assessing candidates based on a holistic evaluation of skills, experience, and cultural fit.

Navigating the Complexities:

However, amidst the promises of progress, we acknowledged the nuanced challenges associated with AI integration in recruitment:

Bias Mitigation and Fairness:

While AI holds the potential to mitigate biases in recruitment processes, the reliance on historical data poses the risk of perpetuating existing disparities and inequities, necessitating vigilance and proactive measures to ensure fairness.

Preserving the Human Touch:

The mechanised nature of AI-driven processes raises concerns about the erosion of the human element in recruitment, highlighting the importance of maintaining empathetic interactions and nuanced assessments of candidates’ soft skills.

Addressing Technical and Ethical Considerations:

The implementation of AI in recruitment mandates careful consideration of technical, legal, and ethical dimensions. Ensuring compliance, transparency, and accountability are paramount to navigating the ethical complexities inherent in AI-powered recruitment practices and it is our belief that this is non-negotiable, for any AI user.

My predictions for AI in Hiring Processes by 2025:

Looking toward the year ahead, I anticipate significant advancements and trends in AI’s role in recruitment processes by 2025, making them more efficient, unbiased, and tailored to the needs of both candidates and employers.

However, ethical considerations and data privacy concerns will remain important considerations in the development and implementation of AI in recruitment, whilst we see the below areas push forward:

Enhanced Predictive Analytics:

AI algorithms will evolve to offer more robust predictive analytics, enabling recruiters to anticipate future hiring needs and identify top talent with greater precision.

Augmented Decision Support Systems:

AI-driven decision support systems will become more sophisticated, providing recruiters with comprehensive insights and recommendations to facilitate more informed hiring decisions.

Continued Focus on Diversity and Inclusion:

Organisations will increasingly leverage AI to promote diversity and inclusion in recruitment practices, with a heightened emphasis on mitigating biases and fostering equitable hiring processes.

My Closing Reflections and Recommendations

In conclusion, our exploration of AI in recruitment underscores the importance of adopting a nuanced and ethical approach.

While AI offers unparalleled opportunities for efficiency and innovation, it is our belief that preserving the human touch and upholding ethical standards remains imperative. By embracing AI as an enhancement tool rather than a substitute for human judgment, organisations can optimise recruitment processes while fostering a culture of inclusivity and fairness.


As we journey towards 2025 and beyond, the relationship between AI and recruitment will continue to evolve. By navigating the complexities with foresight and integrity, we can harness the transformative potential of AI to create more equitable, efficient, and human-centric recruitment practices.

It is my personal opinion that whilst AI offers tremendous potential for automation and efficiency, human connection is essential to ensure the ethical, trustworthy, and effective deployment of AI technologies.

As a specialised recruitment agency for Executive Support and HR roles, we believe that human oversight, involvement, and interaction complement AI capabilities, enhancing its impact and ensuring its alignment with human values and needs, cementing the unrivalled need for human connection in all that we do.

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